Mow 4 Change Campaign


IEL campaigned for a reduction in mowing to support biodiversity in the borough. Pollinators are vitally important. Without pollinators there would be no fruit or veg, so we need to protect these hard working insects! Many insects depend on the flowering of weeds to sustain them. If we mow frequently to get that beautiful carpet of green, we are depriving insects of their food source. But we don’t have to send all of our excellent green spaces to pasture – we can still have lovely soft lawns, it is how we mow that makes a difference. By mowing after the wildflowers have bloomed, giving the insects a chance to feed from them, we help insects survive and that gives them a chance to pollinate our fruit and veg flowers ensuring our harvest later. Lambeth Council is now working with residents on several estates, piloting No Mow May.