Jubilee Primary School Garden

Over the past 3 years this school garden has come on in leaps and bounds and the schools ethos along with it. They are now fully composting and have reached level 4 of the RHS campaign for school gardening. Most of this work has been done with the gardening club but in the last year they have really take it on through more of the school and have gardening champions who are responsible for the planters through the school and are learning gardening basics that they then share with their classes. The garden is used to produce food for cooking lessons as well as sharing with the school kitchen. They promote the importance of where food comes from and healthy eating and many of the classes are now aware of what food is grown on site. What is grown is chosen through voting. The yearly vote always asks for apples and strawberries top so two years ago the schools community worked to develop and plant and orchard that is going well along with a wildflower meadow.

Joint Winner of Best School Garden in Blooming Lambeth Awards 2019