Hillside Gardens Park Food Growing Project

We have an active group of volunteers gardening in the park.

  • There is an allotment site behind the toilet block with space for new people. Please get in touch via email if you would like to have a space to grow some of your own veg.
  • There are planters at the top of the park by the benches and next to the One O’clock club and some some communal areas in the allotment site were we grow herbs, gooseberries, hops, redcurrants and raspberries. We are always looking for people to join our group and take part in occasional group gardening session where we keep things looking good, plant new crops and build new infrastructure like raised beds, water tanks and more.
  • We are looking to take more responsibility from the council in maintaining the rose beds (which they have suggested will be removed if we can’t look after them). Again please let us know if you would like to help us keep these looking good.
  • As part of the open orchard project we have planted around 10 new fruit trees over the last two years, which need occasional weeding and maintenance.