Incredible Edible Lambeth and the Garden Museum have partnered to offer free community group access to the museum.
Become an organisational member of Incredible Edible Lambeth today (and agree to allow us to pass on your contact details to the Garden Museum) and your group will receive three (or 5) free passes to the museum that can be shared amongst members and used at any time.
Other benefits of being an IEL ‘organisational’ member are:
- be on our Incredible Edible Lambeth map
- use our logo and demonstrate that you are part of a broad movement
- be represented and networked at local Lambeth meetings e.g. Lambeth Food Partnership (food policy) and the NHS/health sector
- be networked with regional and national food activists groups such as Incredible Edible Network, Transition Town Network
- receive regular emails highlighting opportunities and support
- be a part of join funding bids and help inform future development work
- be eligible for discounted membership rates for workshops/events
If you do not belong to an organisation we also encourage Individual membership:
- be represented and networked at local Lambeth meetings e.g. Lambeth Food Partnership (food policy) and the NHS/health sector
- be networked with regional and national food activists groups such as Incredible Edible Network, Transition Town Network
- receive regular emails highlighting opportunities and support
- be a part of join funding bids and help inform future development work
- be eligible for discounted membership rates for workshops/events
- volunteer with Incredible Edible Lambeth directly to receive free community group access to the Garden Museum.
The purpose of this document is to set out a framework for membership and cooperation between members of Incredible Edible Lambeth.
- We ask that members respect our vision and values:
IEL exists to re-localise the food system in Lambeth so that it nurtures us and
strengthens our communities.
IEL believes that:
- everyone has a right to healthy affordable food
- the current food system is unjust and unsustainable
- we need to create change
- food growing is a great way to create change – to ‘green the grey’ and build community
- a positive approach is both enjoyable and more likely to be effective
- food is an important part of our economy and a product that can be
- re-localised relatively easily
- Membership is open individuals and group, who are active or interested in being active in facilitating food system change in Lambeth and regionally, nationally or internationally.
- There is a slightly different membership offer for groups versus individuals.
- Groups who are members are entitled to use the Incredible Edible Lambeth logo. We request that a copy of any documents or weblinks are shared on our Facebook page as a courtesy.
- Membership is free, and any decision to charge would be made by the Incredible Edible Lambeth board of directors at an official meeting.
- Any decision to terminate membership would be made by the Incredible Edible Lambeth board of directors at an official meeting. A membership would be terminated where a members was deemed to have breached the Terms and Conditions, and not acted in a way that respects the vision and values.