IEL and Engie; a collaboration

Engie is continuing to offer top soil, scaffold boards, trees and volunteers, due to incredible demand, there is a bit of a waiting list, so bear with us. Let us know your requirements by email

“I can’t thank you enough for putting us onto Julian and their team of volunteers. 
They have done an incredible job today, when they finished, I felt like crying, the garden looks SO MUCH better! “
Myatts Field South community gardeners

Member gardens who have already taken advantage of this:

Sudbourne Primary School has received top soil: “thank you so much for this. We will finally be able to fill our planters and start to plant our crops as soon as the weather warms up”  

Lairdale Community Garden has received scaffold boards

Streatham Common Community Garden has received top soil

Myatt’s Field South community garden – has had a team of volunteers and some scaffold boards..

Rosendale Gardens – will be receiving 20M of scaffold boards

Hemans Gardens and Richard Atkins Primary School are on the waiting list

Below is what is being offered:

An offer of volunteers: do you need a big job accomplished in the New Year but are wondering where you will get the people power? Then apply to us and Engie will help you out. We will be creating a schedule of volunteers and the company needs six weeks’ notice, so get your request in before Christmas, so the wheels can start turning.

An offer of trees: would you like some trees for your site? 2020 is going to be the year of tree planting, as we all try to mitigate against our climate emergency. Do you have a patch of land that would be appropriate for a tree? Let us know as soon as you can and we will request them from Engie.

An offer of topsoil: this can be provided upon request

An offer of planks or railway sleepers for raised beds, or any other construction project: as above, just ask and we will see what can be done.

Just email us at to get things moving.