Paulet Rd Estate

Residents of Paulet Rd Estate with IEL staff and Lambeth Housing Officer

Residents from Paulet Rd Estate have expressed interest in getting their compost bin updated as well as getting an additional one built in another area of the estate so everyone can access them. We will be updating the compost bin near Remakery in June so keep a look out for updates!

Do you live on the estate?

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What’s happening on the estate?

January 2022

Paulet Rd now has a new compost bin, located outside the second block! If you are interested in joining the community compost bin, you can use the QR code at the site, or email us at

We have met with residents and have decided to revamp the existing compost bin outside block 1 as well as build a new compost bin elsewhere on the estate in March 2023. If you’re keen to get involved in the build get in touch