Corporate Volunteering

Volunteer outside with your team & help us support food growing, biodiversity and composting in Lambeth.

Our corporate volunteering days are a way to:

  • Help a great cause: Make a real difference to people living in urban “green deserts”, and help to create hubs for nature, community and wellbeing within a diverse, central London area. 
  • Team-building: Bring your team together in nature for the day
  • Do something different: Leave the office behind and spend a day working together planting, building or running events.

Hands-on tasks include:

  • Working with estates to run biodiversity survey days, supporting residents with exploring and recording the plants and wildlife on different sites
  • Helping to coordinate bulb planting and seed sowing sessions over larger areas on estates
  • Helping with habitat creation, food-growing and gardening activities 
  • Developing food growing spaces for use by the community

What to expect from us:

  • We’ll brief you before the event, providing a full info pack and risk assessment.
  • On the day you can expect a friendly welcome and expert guidance from our community gardeners.
  • There will be a qualified first aider on-site.
  • Each team will get photos and a thank-you post event.

Find out more

View our Corporate Volunteering Terms and conditions.

To find out more and book a volunteering day, please get in touch –

Cost of team sessions are to be confirmed in discussion with you.