Read the full list of all the amazing gardens, gardeners and food entrepreneurs who won prizes at the Blooming Lambeth Awards.
Nearly all these winners can be found on our fantastic map – please do click through and learn more – and go visit some of them too. Get involved if it’s just round the corner from where you live or start a community garden of your own in a space near you. We need many more of them…
Best Garden in a School or Educational Establishment
Joint Winners: Heathbrook Primary School and Hitherfield Primary School
Highly Commended: Reay Primary School
Best Community Garden on an Estate
Joint Winners: Blenheim Estate and Rosendale Community Garden.
The Ivor Picardo Award for Best Vegetable Garden
Winner: Lairdale Estate
Highly Commended: Woodvale Estate and Myatts Field South Estate
Best Community Garden in a Park
Joint winners: Streatham Community Garden and Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses
Best Community Garden Anywhere Else
Joint Winners: Amputee Rehabilitation Garden, Community Shop, and Brixton Fire Station
Highly Commended: Triangle Playground
Against the Odds
Winner: Mawbey Farm
Highly Commended: Crowhurst Estate and The Kerb Garden
Best Community Gardeners
Fabrice from Myatts Fields Park
Highly Commended: Cat from Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses
Small is Beautiful
Winner: Brixton Underground Station
Highly Commended: Mrs Hewson’s Balcony
Joint Winners: Friends of Ruskin Park, Wolfe’s Drinks, and the Clapham Leaf Project
Best Garden in Bloom
Joint Winners: Coade House and Colwyn House
Highly Commended: Fen’s Garden and Poets Paradise
Congratulations to all the winners and an enormous thank you to all who entered.