Blooming Lambeth Awards 2023 (Judges Panel Vote)

Here are the categories for the Judges Panel Vote for 2023.
Voting for the Blooming Lambeth Awards 2023 is now closed.

3. Most enthusiastic young gardener – at home or in a school

Do you know an enthusiastic young gardener (under 18yrs) who’s discovered the joys of growing and/or tending plants? Have they overcome barriers to learn a new growing skill? Are they encouraging others of any age to join in?


6. Best garden in bloom

Do you know of an uplifting display of blooms? Can be a small or larger space. This could be a doctors surgery garden, your or your neighbour’s front gardens, or a local park with a fantastic display.


7. Best space for encouraging wildlife

Please enter this category if you are an individual, group, or team working in Lambeth and are actively trying to increase the biodiversity in your garden, space, kerbside, roof, park, grounds or estate.  This could be by putting in a pond, creating wildflower meadows or leaving wilder corners of long grass, planting wildlife hedges, installing bug hotels, log piles, bee homes, bat boxes, or by planting a wide diversity of plants to offer pollen and nectar to pollinating insects. Sites should be visible to the public and so could include, for example, front gardens, parks, community gardens in housing estates, roadside verges and cemeteries, or business frontages.

Award supported by Lambeth Bee Roads. A scheme to enhance green spaces along roadsides for wildlife and people.


8. Most imaginative use of greening a small space

There are many passionate growers that do not have gardens of their own. We’re looking for entries such as window boxes, window sills, abundant hanging baskets, balconies or small front gardens. Do you grow edibles in any of these small spaces?

Or are you one of the growing army of those passionate about house plants that has a lush interior space filled with them? This is where you can enter!